The Company was incorporated on September 2, 1932 and is engaged in non-life insurance business comprising of Property, Marine/Aviation, Motor and other Miscellaneous products.
The shares of the company are quoted on Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges of Pakistan.
The Principal place of business is located at EFU House, M.A. Jinnah Road, Karachi, Pakistan.
EFU is one of the few Pakistani organizations run totally by professional management and highly motivated field force.
Policies accepted by all institutions in the country.
Rating: Insurer Financial Strength AA+, Outlook: Stable (Rating Agency: JCR-VIS).
Client-base comprises of many leading business houses and multinational companies.
EFU gave the emerging insurance industry the leadership, the manpower and the drive needed to grow in a situation where at one time, three-fourths of insurance was held by foreign companies.
The company has also taken the initiative to transform its Enterprise Information System with an end to end solution comprising Oracle's latest technological software and hardware as part of the infrastructure solution to meet Company's projected Online Transaction Processing needs, keeping in view both the present requirements and future needs such as Data Warehouse, business intelligence and Customer Relationship Management System.
Tips on buying right motor insurance policy
List of Coverage for each type of Cover
Act liability policy
Third party policy
Comprehensive policy
Third party personal injury and death
Third party property damage
Theft/own damage, constructive total Loss
Firstly as soon as car purchased the owner must buy an insurance cover. If a used car is purchased, the new owner needs to know that the cover of the previous owner is null and void.
The insured value or sum insured depends on the market value of the vehicle. Under insurance or over insurance occur when this value is not properly mentioned.
Over insurance occurs when sum insured is higher than the market value, maximum compensation is the market value of the vehicle.
Under insurance occurs if sum insured is less than the market values, you are as self-insuring the difference. In the event of a loss, you will only be partially compensated.
Average clause is applied when you suffer damage to your vehicle which is under insured. Your claim will be reduced proportionately by the uninsured portion, e.g. if you have insured your vehicle up to 70% of the market value, the insurance company will only pay 70% of total repair cost.
Private and Commercial Vehicle Comprehensive Insurance
This is the widest form of cover; our client is protected against financial losses of all kinds, accidental loss to vehicle, theft of car and third party liability claims on him or her.
Private and Commercial Vehicle Third Party Motor Vehicle Insurance
EFU's client is protected against all financial losses due to accidental damage liability of all forms to third party, property damage or bodily injury, death or both.
Private and Commercial Vehicle Act only Liability Insurance
The cover meets the minimum legal insurance requirement. In this cover, EFU offers you protection against financial losses due to liability of accidental bodily injury or death to third party. In addition to above basic protections we are offering insurance solutions to our clients, combining basic covers with following EXTRA BENEFITS.
Family Accidental Benefit Cover
EFU offer accidental death or injury benefit for insured, spouse and the entire family of EFU individual clients, in addition to comprehensive insurance of motor vehicle.
Accidental Death Cover for Salaried Driver
For our commercial clients owning fleet of vehicles a specially designed product offering personal accident covers for the paid drivers.
Protection of Loan Amount for Financial Institutions
For financial institution offering car financing schemes EFU offer modified insurance package offering protection of outstanding loan amount to the leasing company in case of death of lessee, combined with the comprehensive coverage of motor vehicle.
Personal Accident Benefit Cover for Passengers
This is a very popular cover that EFU is giving its clients who are in hospitality business, car rental service. Their guests are offered accidental injury or death benefits while traveling in motor vehicle.
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